Thank God They Are Back
Fall is great for many reasons, especially in the Northeast. You get that sweet change in weather, the perfect excuse to really start dressing up. Football is back in full swing, playoff baseball is here, and spooky season is upon us once again.
In addition to making your famous chili and carving a pumpkin, you can add a new tradition to your fall festivities: the return of the dancing Reese’s skeletons.
It’s Reese’s Season debuted last year during the busiest time for candy advertising. The ad features two skeletons rocking out to an obscure 80’s funk track, sporting Reese’s wrappers as hats and sunglasses, dancing around, and fakie-playing their femurs like guitars. Then, a Will Arnett voiceover reminds us: “It’s Reese’s season… boo.”
The ad makes no direct mention of Halloween and is just a 15-second spot, but oh boy, does it bring me so much joy when these two get to boogying on my TV screen. I’m looking forward to the next month of Reese’s Season and will definitely miss them when they’re gone. But for now, I’m jamming out to “Release the Beast” by Breakwater because it’s Reese’s season.