Get Em Windy

Brian Windhorst is one of those sports reporters I have done a complete 180 on. When he was LeBron's personal hype man, he would put a massive strain on my optic nerves trying to keep them in my cranium because they were rolling so hard. But now, this guy rocks. I feel like he is a puppet for no one and sometimes way out of pocket, even. His "Now Why Is That?" created a world-class meme.

His appearances on Pardon My Take have highlighted what a soft-spoken and silly guy he is. But last night took the cake when he absolutely ethered Luka Doncic.

 Windy is not wrong about anything he said. Luka put himself in a terrible position as he had all night to pick up his final foul and be ejected from the game. Him screaming at the bench for it to be reviewed was the stuff of a toddler having a grocery store meltdown (although, trust tree, watching it as a Celtics fan, I was certain it was going to be overturned so he did not foul out). Windhorst made salient points about the young star and was not afraid to criticize one of the faces of the league and of international hoops. Love Windy for this one, and I hope he continues to absolutely roast players moving forward.