Does This Logo Suck?
I would like people to read this blog. They do not. And that's okay! I assume my friends and family are wildly busy, not much for reading, or concerned that by viewing this, they are encouraging my continued (f)unemployment.
So what do you do when your target audience is strangers? How do you climb mountains not to see the world but to be seen by the world? Well, when I had a blog in 2014, it was easy. Post under comments, tell fellow dumb college kids about it, write wild shit hungover, sucking down iced coffees and Marlboro Lights outside a coffee place until a stranger asked what I was working on.
Ah, I wish you knew the good old days while you were in them. Nowadays, it is much more difficult. How do you strike the balance between thinking of topics, writing the topics, promoting them, and still applying for people leadership opportunities in the healthcare operations space? slipped that last one in there in case, by some accident, friends and family have decided to look at the blog
Something simple and shareable across social media. Hell, with the increased availability of AI and the bare-bones premise of my needs, it should be easy to do. And, having the power of screen caps and not having the power of currency, I did just that.
I used [BLANK].com. I won't name the site exactly, no free logos, no free promo buddy! After all, more than two people went to this site yesterday. [BLANK].com was great. It spit out several similar simple logos, and after minutes of consideration, I went with the first one. It looked like a crest that could hold some integrity, under which I would include that was a news source that lacked it.
I would have a simple social share logo. In doing so, I could increase my page traffic tenfold! Maybe even into the double digits. Of course, [BLANK].com are idiots and morons, and I was able to COMMAND+SHIFT+4 their asses before they could even capture an email to pester me about buying the artificially generated artwork. And just like that, it was born...
I have had the logo for several weeks, and web traffic has not increased. However, yesterday, when cross-posting the NY Post piece about a white supremacist, something stood out to me. The post was sarcastic and a bit aloof, but seeing it next to the [BLANK].com logo, it read very, well, very NAZI. Which led me to wonder, is my AI-generated logo something that resembles SS artwork? And if so… why don't I have more readers?
I wish it were not the case, but in these United States, that stuff is kinda having a moment. I am left to wonder, if you have hate in your heart and an internet connection, why has my [BLANK].com generated logo not caught your attention? You could have been reading about No Mow May and David's Dong. Maybe you like betting sports; you could have got in on the team totals when they were hot. What is it about this logo and my content that appeals to no one and deters everyone? Guess it's time to head back to [BLANK].com and maybe look further than the first page, even if that means entering an email.