Cancel Copperfield: A Wake-Up Call for Illusionist Awareness

Magician David Copperfield has been accused of sexual misconduct by 16 women. With allegations dating back from the 1980s through 2014. Several which took place when the women were under the age of 18. One allegation against the illusionist maintains that he met and groomed a 15-year-old girl back in 1991.

This is not the first time these allegations have come to light as he was previously accused in 2018. This news was far from stunning, not because of the previous allegations but because of the line of work.

I think a shared healthy distrust of magicians would serve our society well. It is far from stunning that Copperfield was a "cop a feel" guy. Magicians have a long and storied history of being creeps and weirdos; it's pretty much their whole thing. You think Criss Angel's freakiness was limited to the mind? Wonder why Teller remains silent? And why that guy punched Harry Houdini in the stomach?

I feel for the victims of David Copperfield, but I hope this most recent report will bring light to illusionist awareness. They can pull a rabbit out of a hat, make a flower disappear, saw a lady in half. These are not people to be trusted.