Raising a Glass to Buffett

LOS ANGELES, California (CB) -- On April 11th, celebrities gathered at the Hollywood Bowl to put on "Jimmy Buffett: Keep The Party Going," a musical tribute to the late great Jimmy Buffett, who passed away last September from cancer. Performers included Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, The Eagles, Kenny Chesney, and more. To close out the show, an eclectic group of musicians and celebrities gathered on stage to perform "Margaritaville," from Harrison Ford to Snoop Dogg. Jimmy Buffett gave the world so very much with his "drunken Caribbean rock 'n' roll" and left us with one more thing: the strangest collection of people to share a stage ever. The video pans from one celebrity to the next, leaving us wondering who else is there? And who on the stage would be the top five to share a margarita with?

1) Paul McCartney

I am not a Beatles guy. I think they are just fine, probably my hottest take. Sir Paul, though, is a legendary margarita drinker, as we learned from his rider with private jet companies. Mr. McCartney likes a boozy marg with lime and orange juice.


3 shots white tequila

1 shot Cointreau

1 shot triple sec

Juice from one lime

Juice from one orange


Add all ingredients into a shaker with two or three small ice cubes.

Shake until the ice cubes melt and the drink turns frothy.

Pour into a glass with a salted rim.

To sip one of these with a living legend would have to rate near the top. I would also love to gas him up about "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time" and confirm it is about some witches faking out an angry mob that comes for them on Christmas.

2) Woody Harrelson

From everything I have ever heard or seen, Woody Harrelson is a first-ballot all-time dude and one of the best hangs in the world. I think sipping a marg and talking True Detective with Marty himself would rock.

3) Pitbull

I would like a conversation with Mr. Worldwide to go something like this: "Dale?" "Dale." We would raise our drinks and exchange a few more "Dales." A true dream come true.

4) Snoop Dogg

I think a margarita with Snoop would rock. We could discuss our shared name, what Martha Stewart is like in real life, and his thoughts on Drake using AI to diss fellow West Coast rapper Kendrick Lamar. I am sure we would be thick as thieves, although if he offered me any marijuana, I think I would decline, as I suspect Mr. Dogg's reefer has the capability of killing a horse.

5) Harrison Ford

After four margaritas and maybe a puff of that Snoop Dogg, I would have to chat with Han Solo himself about his bizarre hoop earring and fulfilling his death wish as an amateur pilot.

Scanning the stage, there are a few more that might be worth tipping one back with, but these would be my most desired. Of course, no margarita would be better than if you had the pleasure of enjoying one with Jimmy himself.Rest in Peace Mr. Buffet I hope you are enjoying a cheeseburger in paradise.